Frequently Asked Questions

The first two months, bumping the head may result in a lost graft. That is why be careful not to bump your head anywhere after your hair transplant.
"How long should you wait to dye your hair after a hair transplant?” is a common question among patients. While it is possible to dye the hair after a hair transplant, it is important to wait several weeks because newly implanted hair follicles are sensitive. Harsh dyes can interfere with their growth during the recovery. It is recommended that patients wait at least four to six months, or until the scalp has completely healed, before dying the hair.
The first month after a hair transplant does require you to give your scalp and hair a little more care and attention than you would normally. Patients need to wait at least one month following their hair transplant procedure. Waiting for the scalp to completely heal will allow optimum hair growth results.
You should avoid wearing a helmet or hat for a month. Wearing a helmet or hat after a hair transplant operation might harm your newly implanted hair grafts and you may end up losing your hair. It also causes sweat that leads to the falling of a hair graft from the scalp.
It is important to avoid scratching for a month as it can remove scabs and delay the healing process. Rather than scratching your scalp with your nail, you can gently rub the area.
Because smoking extends the duration of recovery, it is for your own good to stop smoking one week before and after the operation. Nicotine stiffens blood vessels and narrows them. This both delays the recovery and affects the new hair growth negatively.
After the hair transplant, patients should avoid excessive sweating in order to prevent damage to transplanted grafts for a month. If the patient is living in a hot climate, then it is recommended to stay indoors as much as possible for the first 2-3 weeks following the procedure.
You should avoid swimming for two weeks after a hair transplant operation. This period gives the grafts and donor area time to heal. After two weeks, the grafts are securely implanted and protected below the scalp and there should be no concern for infection.
Me ei soovita saunas, aurusaunas käia ega viibida väga kuumades kohtades, mis võib higistamist suurendada, need tegevused on sama kahjulikud kui trenni tegemine või sportimine. Sauna ega aurusauna ei tohiks minna ühe kuu jooksul pärast juuste siirdamist, kuna see põhjustab tugevat higistamist.
Sexual intercourse may cause a person to sweat. After a hair transplant, sweating should also be avoided. Your grafts might get displaced while you sweat, especially in the first few days.