Frequently Asked Questions

The Istanbul Airport is a short distance away from the city center, which you can arrive by bus, airport shuttle, or taxi. Buses run frequent lines to numerous spots around the city, as Istanbul is one of the top travel destinations in Europe. If you get a hair transplant in Istanbul, you will get private airport-hotel-clinic transfers, together with hotel accommodation. Almost every hair clinic in Turkey offers all-inclusive hair transplant packages, including free consultation, post-op medications, hair care products, and aftercare.
Itching is a sign of healing and it is completely normal to feel a few days after the operation. Do not scratch or pick at the cultivated area. Itching may continue for a week.
Ärge kasutage oma juuste kuivatamiseks rätikuid kuu aega pärast oma operatsiooni. Te peaksite kasutama fööni jaheda õhu režiimil ja mõõdukal kaugusel oma peast.
While applying the instructions and suggestions given by your doctor after the hair transplant, don't forget that; what you eat also will help the healthy growth and strengthening of the new hair follicles. In this process, being careful about nutrition will increase the rate of cell regeneration and will help to shorten the recovery time after hair transplant.
A burning sensation may occur, especially in the donor area, four days after the operation. In this case, it is recommended that you only apply the moisturizing lotion three or four times a day to your donor site and wait for it to be absorbed.
Numbness may occur for a short period of time after transplant operation. It returns to normal in three weeks but sometimes it can take 2 to 6 weeks. It takes some time to recover and get full sensation after your operation. The lack of sensation will decrease and go away over a period of time with the regeneration of the sensory nerves.
Juuste siirdamise järgselt mugava une jaoks ja nakkuste vältimiseks on oluline, et teil oleksid puhtad linad ja padjapüürid. Kasutage kindlasti allergeenivaba pesuvahendit, et te ei ärritaks peanahka ega põhjustaks peanahas põletikku selle paranemise ajal.
Minoksidiil, tuntud ka kui Rogaine, on paikne ravim, mida kantakse peanahale uute juuste kasvu stimuleerimiseks juuste siirdamise järel. Minoksidiil tugevdab juuste kasvutsüklit ja aeglustab juuste väljalangemise tsüklit. Eksperdid soovitavad seda kasutada regulaarselt aasta aega pärast juuste siirdamist. Spetsiifiliste ravimite kasutamine eduka juuste siirdamise jaoks on kriitilise tähtsusega rahuldava tulemuse saavutamiseks.
Patients avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks before and after their hair transplant operation. This will give your body enough time to process any alcohol in your system and for your blood pressure to return to normal.
Patients should not bend their head for 3 days .So they will not cause grafts to pop out or bleeding in the recipient area. This is also an important factor for a successful hair transplant result.