After procedure

After Hair Transplant Guideline

These post-op instructions provide you with plenty of aftercare information on what to expect after a hair transplant operation. It can help you with your head and scalp, including treatment for the transplant site. Follow these instructions carefully and refer back to them when you are unsure about how to take care of your scalp properly after a hair transplant.

It is important to avoid scratching for a month as it can remove scabs and delay the healing process. Rather than scratching your scalp with your nail, you can gently rub the area.
Because smoking extends the duration of recovery, it is for your own good to stop smoking one week before and after the operation. Nicotine stiffens blood vessels and narrows them. This both delays the recovery and affects the new hair growth negatively.
You should avoid swimming for two weeks after a hair transplant operation. This period gives the grafts and donor area time to heal. After two weeks, the grafts are securely implanted and protected below the scalp and there should be no concern for infection.
After the hair transplant, patients should avoid excessive sweating in order to prevent damage to transplanted grafts for a month. If the patient is living in a hot climate, then it is recommended to stay indoors as much as possible for the first 2-3 weeks following the procedure.
It is best to keep your head upright and avoid any sudden movements such as intense coughing and sneezing following operation. It is unlikely that you damage a graft by coughing a few days after your hair transplant. However, it is still important to be careful while sneezing or coughing.
Patients should not bend their head for 3 days .So they will not cause grafts to pop out or bleeding in the recipient area. This is also an important factor for a successful hair transplant result.
You should avoid wearing a helmet or hat for a month. Wearing a helmet or hat after a hair transplant operation might harm your newly implanted hair grafts and you may end up losing your hair. It also causes sweat that leads to the falling of a hair graft from the scalp.
Hair shedding after hair transplant medically known as shock loss, is quite common. Shedding of newly transplanted hair is considered to be a normal after-effect of any hair transplant operation. Shock hair loss is completely natural and triggers regrowth of the transplanted follicles.
Minoksidiil, tuntud ka kui Rogaine, on paikne ravim, mida kantakse peanahale uute juuste kasvu stimuleerimiseks juuste siirdamise järel. Minoksidiil tugevdab juuste kasvutsüklit ja aeglustab juuste väljalangemise tsüklit. Eksperdid soovitavad seda kasutada regulaarselt aasta aega pärast juuste siirdamist. Spetsiifiliste ravimite kasutamine eduka juuste siirdamise jaoks on kriitilise tähtsusega rahuldava tulemuse saavutamiseks.
Ärge kasutage oma juuste kuivatamiseks rätikuid kuu aega pärast oma operatsiooni. Te peaksite kasutama fööni jaheda õhu režiimil ja mõõdukal kaugusel oma peast.
Juuste siirdamise järgselt mugava une jaoks ja nakkuste vältimiseks on oluline, et teil oleksid puhtad linad ja padjapüürid. Kasutage kindlasti allergeenivaba pesuvahendit, et te ei ärritaks peanahka ega põhjustaks peanahas põletikku selle paranemise ajal.
Patsient saab tööle naasta viis päeva pärast juuste siirdamist. Füüsilist tööd tegevad inimesed peaksid aga oma tööle naasmisega ootama kauem, parimal juhul 7-14 päeva.