After procedure

After Hair Transplant Guideline

These post-op instructions provide you with plenty of aftercare information on what to expect after a hair transplant operation. It can help you with your head and scalp, including treatment for the transplant site. Follow these instructions carefully and refer back to them when you are unsure about how to take care of your scalp properly after a hair transplant.

You can use a hair dryer on a cool air mode and at a moderate distance from your head a week later following your hair transplant operation.
Using the provided medical shampoo, create foam between your hands and spread foam through your donor and recipient area gently without rubbing or strong movements.
You should start a post-transplant hair washing process 3 days after hair transplant operation and follow the instructions once a day for 10 days. If all scabs are removed after 15 days you do not have to use lotion anymore, feel free to use any kind of shampoo for washing and you can start to rub in the shampoo gently with your fingertips.
Sleeping properly helps patients heal properly and keeps the hair grafts intact. Patients need to sleep face up with their head elevated at least 45 degrees for the first three nights, using a neck pillow. You need to avoid anything during the first few days that could disturb the new grafts from taking a firm hold in your scalp.
You should avoid excessive movements such as turning your head quickly or bumping your head on a headboard.
Patients need to sleep face up with their head elevated at least 45 degrees for ten days, using a neck pillow.
Me soovitame teil intensiivseid treeninguid vältida vähemalt kümme päeva pärast juuste siirdamise lõikust. Kerge treening, nagu kõndimine, jooga, on head pärast neljandat operatsioonijärgset päeva. Kui märkate mõne sellise harjutuse ajal verejooksu suurenemist, peaksite treeningu intensiivsust vähendama.
Me ei soovita saunas, aurusaunas käia ega viibida väga kuumades kohtades, mis võib higistamist suurendada, need tegevused on sama kahjulikud kui trenni tegemine või sportimine. Sauna ega aurusauna ei tohiks minna ühe kuu jooksul pärast juuste siirdamist, kuna see põhjustab tugevat higistamist.
It is best to keep your head upright and avoid any sudden movements such as intense coughing and sneezing following operation. It is unlikely that you damage a graft by coughing a few days after your hair transplant. However, it is still important to be careful while sneezing or coughing.
Sexual intercourse may cause a person to sweat. After a hair transplant, sweating should also be avoided. Your grafts might get displaced while you sweat, especially in the first few days.
One of the most important precautions to take after a hair transplant is avoiding direct sunlight. After a hair transplant operation, a patient needs to protect your scalp from the sun for 1-2 months. Too much direct sun exposure not only damages the surface of the treated scalp, it can also affect the deeper tissues and cause serious harm.
Patients avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks before and after their hair transplant operation. This will give your body enough time to process any alcohol in your system and for your blood pressure to return to normal.