After procedure

After Hair Transplant Guideline

These post-op instructions provide you with plenty of aftercare information on what to expect after a hair transplant operation. It can help you with your head and scalp, including treatment for the transplant site. Follow these instructions carefully and refer back to them when you are unsure about how to take care of your scalp properly after a hair transplant.

It is recommended that you put cold compress or ice after a hair transplant on the donor or the recipient areas. Keep the ice pack at least one inch away from the frontal hairline where grafts were placed. Begin using ice packs immediately after the surgery and continue for the next 5 days. Putting ice around the transplanted area, such as on the forehead or on the donor area, makes you feel better. The application of ice bags on the forehead area and face can reduce swelling. Be careful not to get too close to the implanted area while applying the ice pack.
At the end of the first 4 months, a razor can be used after hair transplant. 0 (zero) number head should be used as the scalp is still sensitive. A haircut with scissors is allowed after a month, but you should not use a razor at least for four months.
A burning sensation may occur, especially in the donor area, four days after the operation. In this case, it is recommended that you only apply the moisturizing lotion three or four times a day to your donor site and wait for it to be absorbed.
The first month after a hair transplant does require you to give your scalp and hair a little more care and attention than you would normally. Patients need to wait at least one month following their hair transplant procedure. Waiting for the scalp to completely heal will allow optimum hair growth results.
The first two months, bumping the head may result in a lost graft. That is why be careful not to bump your head anywhere after your hair transplant.
Face swelling after the hair transplant usually occurs between the 2nd and 7th days after the surgery. Post-inflammatory swelling is generally a secondary reaction to the healing of your scalp skin.To minimize swelling in the forehead or around the eyes, you can apply an ice pack over the eyebrows for 15 minutes every hour, not on the grafts. The swelling is a part of the healing process and will usually disappear within 5-7 days.
A special lotion should be used for the first two weeks after the operation. A lotion should be applied only to the donor area during the first week after your hair transplant operation. During the second week, you may start applying the lotion to both the donor and the recipient areas for a faster recovery. Make sure you apply the lotion with the same direction of the transplanted grafts to avoid any damage.
Only after day 10 following your operation, you may start massaging your hair gently just to shed any leftover crusting from the healing process. While massaging, be careful not to scratch the area for a few more weeks.
After hair transplant, you should make sure that your newly implanted grafts are not exposed to pressurized water or high temperature for a month. This is why it is important to adjust the water so that it’s lukewarm with low pressure rather than hot and high pressure.
You need to use a special shampoo after the operation that we provide you for the first two weeks. When shampooing, do not forget to touch your grafts gently.
Do not comb or brush your hair for 2 weeks after the operation. After this period, you might gently start combing your hair at the non-implanted areas, but it is very important not to scratch, comb or brush the implanted areas. You should not touch the grafts themselves with the comb.
Do not use any harsh hair-care products including gels and conditioner for 3 months after your transplant. You may start using hair gels and sprays at least two to three months after surgery.